All my favorite craft supplies

Do you ever find yourself in a place where your creativity has struck, your ready to make it happen and then realize you dont have everything you need to finish, or even start your project… Its happened to me so many times. Soooo I have put togehter a list of all the essential supplies you always wished you had and they wont brake the bank. Happy Creating!

All of these supplies are affiliate links and will take you directly to amazon for ease of shopping. I am an Amazon affiliate and do make a small, very small, commision when you purchase through these links at no additional cost to you.

Thank you so much for shopping these links, I appreciate your support so very much!

XOXO Alecia❤️


Hot Glue Melting Pot

Hot Glue Pelletts

Ryobi Hot Glue Gun

Gorella Hot Glue Sticks

Upper Case Large Clickable Stamps

Lower Case Large Clickable Stamps

Medium Uppercase Clickable Stamp

Medium Lowercase Clickable Stamps

24x36 Cutting Matt

Rotory Cutter

Sewing Scissors

Craft Scissors


All Purpose Glue

Sewing Machine

Rub & Buff Set

Sanding File

Micro Sander

Micro Sand Paper

Wood Glue